SCL Energía

SCL Energía is a company founded in 2001 and from 2007 manages investment funds in the energy sector.

Track Record

SCL Energía was incorporated in January 2001. The company was initially focused on:

  • Project development: Seeking of opportunities of investment in the electric sector
  • Investment: Acquisition of electric operating companies in Latin America
  • Consultant: Administration and marketing services that allow improve the performance in activities associated with electrical sector

Main clients were: Gener, First Reserve, SNC Lavalin, General Electric Financial Services, Larrían Vial, BCI, Gas Sur, Metro de Santiago, Rolls-Royce, Accon Investment, Masisa, Pacific Hydro Limited, Petropower Foster Wheeler, PSEG Global, and others.

Since 2007, SCL Energía partners began the process of identifying projects and investment opportunities for the investment fund wich was developed with Activa, LarrainVial´s private equity arm.

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Managing Partners

Juan Alberto Fernández
Joaquín Cornejo
Carlos Fuentes
Eduardo Vicuña
José Bertrán
Eduardo Damián

Contact us

Our office is located in

Cerro El Plomo 5630, of 1304 / Las Condes, Santiago de Chile.

Phone +56 2 2370 1688, Fax +56 2 2370 1686

2013 SCL Energía Activa

Cerro El Plomo 5630, of 1304 / Las Condes, Santiago de Chile. Teléfono: +56 2 2370 1688, Fax +56 2 2370 1686